Yes recently Sarath kumar celebrated his birthday. During the occasion Sarath Kumar is preparing for his next film with Gautham and Surya. Already Parthiban took a role in it. Now its confirmed Sarath Kumar is also playing one of the important role in Dhuruva Natchathiram.
And Surya has to work with Two directors Simultaneously. Its crucial time to work with Gautham and Lingusamy. Because always gautham requires long schedule , and as well as Gautham restrict to act in other director movies during his project. Even earlier Surya had a problem with Gautham during Vaaranam Aayiram and meanwhile surya acted Hari's "Vel".
So Gautham may be replace Surya with Sarath kumar. Else he has adapted for a important role in "dhuruva Natchathiram". Since source said Gautham has not having any idea to replace Sarath With Surya.