Starring Surya, Anushka, Hansika motwani in the lead roles. The movie has been ropped after the huge success of Singam in 2010. The team is currently shooting in chennai and Tuticorin simultaneously for the last 30 days.
Now the team planning to shooting South Africa for its Second schedule.Singam 2 is contiuation of singam climax. Which will need a new and terific negative role. So Director Hari planned to interduce a Hollywood renowned person.
He already find a nigerian actor for the role. The movie starts from Tuticorin and moving to South Africa. A power packed sequence is planned to film in SA for singam 2.
This will be a fantastic action movie which will be set to release in the following year. Surya will be more aggressive and energetic than first one.
Hari got just 108 days Call sheet from surya for singam 2. After that surya will join with Lingusamy for Next movie.