Yes Vijay's upcoming film Scheduled to release on August 8. And The movie was directed by A.L Vijay and starring Vijay , Amala Paul on the lead. Few days back its Trailer was released and its created good impact on audience and fans of Ilayathalapathy . Currently The team scheduled to release Thalaiva on August 8.
Shah Rukh Khan's Upcoming film Chennai Express is also scheduled to release on the same day. Shah Rukh khan also having Huge fans in South India As well as Tamil Nadu. It will be looking like a Perfect Clash between Chennai Express and Thalaiva. Chennai Express is produced by UTV Motion picutres and Planned to release on 3500 plus screens Worldwide.
And Also Vijay's Thalaiva Also Scehduled to release on the same day. It's difficult to get expected screens on Kerala. Especially on Malabar locations. Also They got booked 60 screens already. Vijay's Last movie Thuppakki Collected a good profit and Populated one among the 150 Crore crosser.
Shah Rukh Khan's Upcoming film Chennai Express is also scheduled to release on the same day. Shah Rukh khan also having Huge fans in South India As well as Tamil Nadu. It will be looking like a Perfect Clash between Chennai Express and Thalaiva. Chennai Express is produced by UTV Motion picutres and Planned to release on 3500 plus screens Worldwide.
And Also Vijay's Thalaiva Also Scehduled to release on the same day. It's difficult to get expected screens on Kerala. Especially on Malabar locations. Also They got booked 60 screens already. Vijay's Last movie Thuppakki Collected a good profit and Populated one among the 150 Crore crosser.